New Education Forum Bielsko-Biała 2022
19 października 2022 roku uczniowie naszego liceum uczestniczyli w międzynarodowej konferencji #New Education Forum Bielsko-Biała 2022 „Polska szkoła w zielonej i cyfrowej transformacji”.
New Education Forum Bielsko Biała skupiło się przede wszystkim na tematyce: Green Deal a zmiany na rynku pracy w Bielsku-Białej: oczekiwania pracodawców i wyzwania dla szkolnictwa, rola samorządów, nauczycieli i uczniów w dostosowywaniu się do zielonej i cyfrowej transformacji oraz szkoła w procesie nieustającej zmiany: dobre praktyki wspierające edukację formalną.
Last week my school had the honor of attending the conference on environment and education. There were many young people from different schools and their teachers. Each school had to prepare its stands. We had banners, leaflets and multimedia presentations on what steps our school is taking to develop digital and environmental education.
The title of the conference is "New education forum", it was attended by many important people, such as the president of Bielsko-Biała, MPs, senators, representatives of the European Commission and people representing Finland, Italy and Spain. It was spread over 3 panels. The guests answered questions asked by the interviewer.
They concerned the core curriculum and how to educate young people and teachers about climate change and environmental protection. They shared their experiences and discussed what solutions could be found. The topics also covered were: wind farms, coal mines, workplaces, IT and what kind of employees companies need. There were also two breaks where people could ask the youth for their opinion and what facilities their school has implemented. During the break, we could try delicious sandwiches and cookies.
I am glad that I could experience something like this for the first time and it will surely be remembered by me for a long time.