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28-10-2019 11:30

Już po raz drugi uczniowie VI LO mieli okazję wziąć udział w Konkursie na Recenzję Filmu w Języku Angielskim. W tym roku recenzowanym filmem były " Legiony " Dariusza Gajewskiego. Nagrody dla autorów najlepszych prac - książki, płyty oraz bilety do kina " Helios " ufundował pan Piotr Kasela.







‘Legiony’ - a film review

I have been recently to the cinema to watch a war film entitled ‘Legiony’. If you are interested in history, and especially the history of World War One, you should go and watch it yourself. 

It is a Polish film directed by Dariusz Gajewski. It is set in Poland and, as I have already mentioned, it tells the story of young Polish soldiers fighting for independence. The main characters are Józek Wieża (Sebastian Fabijański), Tadeusz Zbarski (Bartosz Gelner) and Aleksandra Tubilewicz (Wiktoria Wolańska). However, the film does not only show the tragedy of war and suffering - it has a love context as well. 

Józef is a deserter in a Russian army. He does not want to join any group of soldiers and fight for independence, he wishes to come back to his home in Łódź and just live his life. Facing the reality in Poland makes Józef change his mind. He feels a need to protect others and he falls in love with Ola. She loves her lover but she also feels something to the man who she meets on a train. This young man is Józef. During the war, Polish people fight very bravely with the Russians and they help each other risking their own lives. In the film, we can also see a big leader of the Polish army called ‘Legiony’ - Józef Piłsudski (Jan Frycz). His amazing leader skills, mostly patriotism and charisma, makes people feel respect towards him.

In the film, we can notice the fantastic acting. Thanks to that, it is more realistic and gripping. I was really impressed, although I am not keen on history. The story shows how important women during that period of time were. To my mind, the only disadvantage of the film is presenting more a love triangle with the war in the background than vice versa.   

Martyna Polak 1c